The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) was established in early 2022 at IIT Mandi to dedicatedly cater for the national requirement for skilling, up-skilling, and re-skilling of individuals from various Govt./Semi Govt. organizations, public and private undertakings, research institutions and industries. A variety of continuing education programmes have been organized fulfilling the needs for nation-building at all levels starting from elementary schools to dropouts to working professionals from diverse backgrounds so that learners around the globe can get opportunities to gain knowledge and/or develop professional growth skill sets. CCE also provides necessary logistics, and administrative support to run such programs. All institute academic outreach activities like Conferences, Workshops, Symposia, Short-term courses, Training programs, and other similar activities are executed under the umbrella of the CCE.
GIAN course on Wetting, Capillarity, and Phase Transitions: Experiments and Simulations.
A Hands-on Workshop on Composites Design and Manufacturing
Five Days General Management/Leadership Program for the officers of Green Energy Transition Research Institute (GETRI) to be held at IIT Mandi on 12th to 16th March 2024.
4th Himachal Pradesh Science Congress to be held at IIT Mandi on 8th to 10th April 2024.
School Camp on Robotics and AI (PRAYAS 2.0) for the skill development of UP school teachers and students
Faculty Development Updation Programme for Faculty of Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges (FDP -01)
Faculty Development Updation Programme for Faculty of Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges (FDP -02)
Faculty Development Programme for Faculty of Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges (FDP-03)
Teachers’ Training Program in Biology, Physics and Chemistry at IIT Mandi
Teacher Training Program in Mathematics
Short term Training courses:Hands-On Course on Embedded Systems
Short term Training courses: Model Predictive Control for Industrial Systems
Short term Training courses: Hands-On Training of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Short term Training courses: Finite Element Modelling for Engineering
Short term Training courses: Hands-On Course on Product Design and Manufacturing
School Camp on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
A self-sustainable centre to build a workforce for nation capacity building in STEM and management-related fields.
Provide the learners with an enriching platform to study and get exposure to state-of-the-art facilities at IIT Mandi through various outreach programmes.
New Registrations
Expert Faculties